What is ACLS?

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) is a short-term course of only 16 hours. It’s a premium course and not provided until and unless an American Heart Association instructor is available for teaching the students. This is an advanced course and there are various things you will learn in a short but important training hours of your life.

Today, you will find a few medical organization offering the course. It is an advanced course and along with that you will be provided with a professional heart surgeon to take the classes. Various important aspects of ACLS weekend classes are:

1. Analyse the importance of a high-performance team dynamics.

2. Learn how to communicate during surgeries.

3. What are the various systems of care available.

4. Recognition and intervention of cardiopulmonary arrest.

5. Immediate post-cardiac arrest.

6. Acute dysrhythmia.

7. Stroke, and acute coronary syndromes (ACS).

There are many levels of this course and you will learn many important aspects of heart and its healthy functionality. Heart is a special organ and we all love our hearts but there are many things we are unaware of as a common person. The person taking professional training is made to understand every aspect in detail.

ACLS certification requirements include learning core Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support guidelines through cooperative learning. This will greatly improve your results in solving important and complex cardiovascular, respiratory and various situations of emergencies. American heart association ACLS skills will help you in achieving a good name and job after the successful completion of the 130 hours of training.